Woman with a Common Cold According to a spokesman for the German Professional Association of Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists, persistent colds can lead to serious infections if they are not treated properly.

“Anything that lasts between 10 to 14 days is suspicious,” warned Michael Deeg, spokesman for the German Professional Association of Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists.

Even the slightest case of the sniffles could lead to a case of sinusitis, bronchitis or even to a lung infection.

Depending on the degree of the infection, decongestants such as ear and nose drops or antibiotics may have to be prescribed.

It is also important to keep an eye on the length of time that a cold persists.

Deeg says that common indicators that a cold is about to develop into something more serious are persistent coughing, worsening catarrh as well as ongoing headaches and jaw-pain.

When the symptoms of a common cold reach that level, the next step is to visit a doctor.

“In many cases people take no notice of the symptoms and they lead to further complications,” Deeg said.

Deeg advises against going outdoors in early spring wearing thin clothes, no matter how sunny the weather may be.

“Anyone who does that can expect to get a cold,” said Deeg.