Oestrogen Memory

The latest discovery by researchers of the University of Florida suggests that activating an oestrogen receptor naturally occurring in the brain can protect women against neurological disorders. The study reveals that elevating mental performance in women with specific mental conditions, oestrogen treatments may help remove hindrances in perception.

Earlier studies have proved that younger and postmenopausal women with low oestrogen levels may improve cognition by oestrogen replacement.

Tom Foster, at the University of Florida College of Medicine, commented, “We were able to restore function in these animals, not by dosing them with oestrogen, but by enabling them to use oestrogen that was naturally present in their bodies. We discovered that you can affect the oestrogen receptor directly in the hippocampus, right where it’s needed to address memory and spatial learning.”

By breeding female mice that were capable of producing the oestrogen receptor-alpha, a protein required for memory and healthy learning, the study helped researchers at UF’s McKnight Brain Institute adorn the procedure of thinking among mice. The research showed that there was an increase in the cases of women suffering from Alzheimer and age-related memory disorders with changing levels of the oestrogen receptor. The conclusion was that oestrogen apparently protects women from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The disadvantageous aspect of oestrogen however is that the strong hormone is affiliated with a slight increase in the risk of heart diseases in women with existing cardiovascular problems and stroke. It may also increase the chances of breast cancer.

These findings appear online in Molecular Therapy.