University Of Queensland Researchers from the Queensland Brain Institute at The University of Queensland claimed to have unlocked the clandestine world of the wasp genome. So, scientists could be a step closer to comprehending the reasons for autism and schizophrenia.

The neuroscientists were apparently a part of a global consortium that spent four years sequencing the genome of three parasitic wasp species. All the Nasonia wasps were supposedly tinier as compared to a pinhead, nevertheless they probably had an astonishing influence on the comprehension of neurological disorders.

Dr Charles Claudianos is leading a QBI team by means of details extracted from the genomes to examine the function of genes, associated with disorders like autism and schizophrenia.

Dr. Claudionos commented, “These newly sequenced genomes enhance our understanding of genetics and evolution. They will assist us to better understand how genes common to both humans and insects underpin fundamental cellular and molecular processes, including how the brain works.”

The team is all geared up to inspect the genetic and evolutionary affiliation between the wasp and the European honeybee Apis mellifera.

QBI researcher Dr Alexandre Cristino mentioned that simple organisms, like the wasp and honeybee, appeared to be perfect for examining our brain as they apparently had an elevated percentage of genes in common with humans.

Dr. Christino remarked, “Together these organisms provide important new tools for studying the molecular basis of brain function. Using these insect models, we can now examine the role of genes involved in connecting neurons in the brain.”

Dr Claudianos is of the opinion that advantages of sequencing the Nasonia wasps’ genomes was apparently not restricted to the laboratory as they seemed to have the capability to assault and destroy pests by parasitizing their larvae, thereby making the creatures imperative to pest control and food production.

The research was published in the Journal Science.