Manchester University Logo A protein involved in blood clotting seems to be extremely beneficial for physicians. A groundbreaking research asserts that the clotting agent, heparan cofactor II/Thrombin (HCII/T) complex can be employed for diagnosing and subsequently monitoring the treatment of various childhood genetic diseases. This protein can be probably used as a ‘biomarker’ or biological tell among people with mucopolysaccharide (MPS) diseases.

It appears that HCII/T complex clearly identifies patients with MPSI, MPSII, MPSIIIA, MPSIIIB, MPSIIIC, MPSVI and unaffected individuals. Those suffering from MPSI, MPSII and MPSVI after treatment supposedly have increase in this biomarker, and the dermatan sulphate:chondroitin sulphate biomarker. Heparan sulphate (HS) and dermatan sulphate (DS) apparently are the two sugars that generally gather in MPS diseases.

Measuring the ratio of DS:CS in urine can supposedly assist doctors in diagnosing the disease. During the investigation, lead researcher Dr Brian Bigger, from Manchester’s MPS Stem Cell Research Laboratory and colleagues utilized a HCIIT method that detects proteins binding to sugars. Since MPS diseases are difficult to treat, early identification can presumably help in treating patients more effectively.

The research is published in the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease.