While the sub-Saharan Africa is considered as the hardest-hit region of HIV infection, another country that’s joining the league may be Canada. Statistics say that every eight hours, a Canadian contracts HIV. According to a recent investigation led by the University of Toronto, 93 percent Canadians claim to have knowledge about HIV and AIDS, yet only half of those surveyed consider condoms as an effective tool to reduce the spread of HIV.
It was suggested that Canadians who have had two or more sexual partners in the last year are more likely to be infected than those with only one partner to have used a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse. Almost six-in-ten forming 57 percent of those with two or more partners allegedly admit that they did not use a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse. As per the Public Health Agency of Canada, the number of people living with HIV in Canada has elevated by 14 percent from 2005 to 2008.
“It is clear that Canadians’ attitudes have shifted in the past 30 years, but this hasn’t necessarily affected behavior. I find it surprising that so many aren’t using a condom to reduce the spread of HIV. It is critical that we as a nation understand the severity of this epidemic and engage in the fight against AIDS,†elucidated Christopher Bunting, president of CANFAR.
Still, the investigation asserts that not more than 17 percent of Canadians who were tested for HIV and AIDS were tested with the intention of finding out if they were infected. Prior studies have pointed out that condoms are 80 percent effective in reducing HIV sexual transmission among heterosexuals. However, only 50 percent people from Canada believe that condoms are ‘very effective.’ Even though Canadians consider HIV and AIDS a serious threat in Canada, only 8 percent apparently donated to an HIV and AIDS-related organization in the past year.
Scientists suggest that novel strategies can be introduced for changing norms of condom use.