Home Features 8 Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure 8 Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure BackNext2. Exercise –Do some amount of regular exercise like 30 minutes of a brisk walk, jogging, cycling, swimming, or anything else you enjoy at least 5 days a week. This will help keep your cholesterol levels in check and reduce blood pressure. BackNext OTHER STORIES Horticulture activities seem to enhance mood and environment Partner abuse may lead to health problems A shortcoming in malaria seems to have given hope for novel... Bones supposedly regulate blood sugar Vision may be improved by playing action video game Findings suggest that besides Physical Effects, Asthmatic Children suffer from Emotional... Study reveals that apo(a) is a natural inflammation regulator New mechanism may make existing antibiotics more effective at lower doses Alzheimer’s could be spreading from neuron to neuron in the brain Cases of dengue fever allegedly double among UK travelers