The remote link between LSD and alcohol restriction was unleashed way back in the 1950s, though it may not sound achievable to a layman. Getting into the crux of the question whether LSD could indeed treat alcoholics is a team from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
The scientists analyzed 6 distinct LSD studies where alcoholics were randomly assigned to either LSD or a placebo. As per the results of this trial conducted sometime between 1966 and 1970, those who received a complete dose of LSD seemingly showed the greatest improvements. Cumulatively, 59% of the persons on full LSD doses fared well, relative to 38% of those on other rehabilitation avenues.
“In independent and standardized follow-up examinations, ranging from one to twelve months later, all of the studies showed that the patients who had received a full dose of LSD fared the best. On average, 59 per cent of full-dose patients showed a clear improvement compared with 38 per cent in the other groups,” cited Krebs and Johansen from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
However, the team is not clear of the mechanism involved in this effect manifested by LSD consumption. However, they found that patients reportedly experienced better mental effects and most of them seemed to give in to complete abstinence too. Also, relatives of the addicted persons claimed to have encountered similar benefits, possibly due to the halo effect.
Speculations going round suggest that the influence of LSD on the serotonin receptor could be one reason for the outcomes seen in the patients. The findings are published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.