8Oil your hair sparingly –

Contrary to popular belief, oil does little to promote hair growth. It’s the massage that you do while applying it that plays the trick. As a way of managing hair, oil has fallen out of favor as is evident with ads poking fun at the oily look. As you know, the scalp produces a natural oil called sebum that protects and nourishes hair. If kept on for longer than a day, oil accumulates dust as well as dirt and can damage hair.

If you must, oil your hair overnight and wash it off in the morning. In phases of stress (starvation, undernourishment, lack of sleep and so on), cells important for survival are nourished first by the body. Hair, being non-essential from an existential standpoint, suffers in such cases. Lustrous and healthy hair is therefore seen as a sign of good health.

The above tips and home remedies for hair growth are meant for you to achieve just that. Despite following these remedies and staying in good shape, you hair may still be a problem area. This may be due to hereditary pattern baldness. There are some things that can be done for it. A good place to start would be our series of features on treatments for hair loss.

Punit Pania
