9Instant noodles

Instant Noodles

Glycemic load is the number that estimates how much a certain food will raise a person’s blood glucose level after eating it. Instant noodles or ramen has a high glycemic load along with unhealthy amounts of salt and saturated fats. This results in metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of health conditions that occur simultaneously, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, and thus cancer.

In a study by Baylor University and Harvard, women who ate instant noodles more than twice a week had a higher chance of developing metabolic syndrome than those who ate it less often or not at all, even if they were lean and physically active. Additionally, pouring hot water into the plastic cup in which the noodles are packed releases dangerous, carcinogenic chemicals into the food.

Alternative: Make a pot of unsalted pasta at home. Season it with pureed tomatoes, pepper, salt, cold-pressed olive oil, paprika and garlic. Add sliced boiled eggs, mushrooms and bits of roasted chicken for a more filling and nutritious meal.